Meet our Artist Aaron Sannes

Building and painting models and miniatures began early for me. As a kid, I would beg my parents for any plastic kit model I could get my hands on. My painting skills were rough (to put it nicely), so I never actually painted them, but I was hooked. 

My gaming journey began as a teen in 1980 when I cajoled my parents into buying a Dungeons and Dragons boxed set. I started out knowing nobody else who played but it didn’t stop me from making characters, mapping out dungeons on graph paper, and, of course, collecting and painting miniatures. I managed to get a few friends hooked and from there it was on to 2nd Edition Dungeons and Dragons, Traveler, Runescape, and any other similar game I could get my hands on.

Like a lot of us, as I grew older life would get in the way and the gaming, miniatures, and model making went by the wayside. But, also like many others, in time, it drew me back. I began again with building military aircraft and tank kit models. Eventually, the fires were stoked and my passion for miniatures and gaming returned.

After 20 years as a healthcare executive I left the industry to pursue my passion.. Along with my partner, Kari, we started Corvid Creations PDX to share our love of the art of gaming.  And we couldn’t be happier.